
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

online collage

Today I finished my collage we have been looking at on online collage
look at this and if you know comment the name
Tuesday 26th November 2019

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Today we played spots and we vs room 3 the most oldest class in the school



On Friday the 12 we did art and we had to draw a pet and I did a dog .

we had to do it in one day because it was a asemberly

Monday, August 5, 2019


Room 4 have been writing persuasively about why homework should or should not be banned.


Hello, I am your host Mataki and I'm going to be telling you why I think for these reason kids should not have homework.
Firstly kids do not get enough time with their families because of the homework they get from school for the week. It is stopping kids all over the globe from having a cool time with their families. Homework is separating children from their families. Most of the time they should be having time with their families.
Secondly, children are not getting a break because they are doing work at school and at home kids have two days to get a break from school and homework. Teachers are putting all of this homework onto kids, it is stressing the kids [and I should know] because of doing school’s homework.
And parents are getting less and less time with their children.  So please stop homework if you can!  Thank you for reading and I hope you understand me thank you.
By Mataki wharewaka-Cassidy

Monday, July 29, 2019

homework should or should not be band

We have been writing about why homework should or should not be band from Ahipara School.  I am wanting to get it to be band.  If you want homework to be band from your school leave a comment like this #I do want homework to be band. or #I do not want homework to be band.  Please leave a comment if you have read this thank you for reading.

By Mataki

Thursday, June 27, 2019

my reading

The last few weeks we haft been doing readings. My one was named the kapa haka trip. It was about a kapa haka school going to a nature school, to compete in a comp against them they have one week to prepare. They had 5 schools to compete up against the comp, went on for one-week thank you for reading and if you want to, know more read the book.


My giff

In the last week, we make giffs it is so fun and you can make it about anything you want it to be.

If you want to make a giff of your own go to toll tweets here is the link you also need to login to your accent thank you and if you like it can you please put a comment thank you for reading my post.

my writing

D R A W I N G          

Image result for D R A W I N GImage result for D R A W I N G

Great               By Mataki


science is always cool we made a lava lamp[we third to]
Image result for homemade lava lamp gone wrongit looked like this.

The red one was like galley the blow one fault like squished Orbeez
it was so cccooolll plz

Monday, June 24, 2019

My Matariki poem
like Matariki
because it is
cool like me and
my mum and dad
it is like
my families
By Mataki Wharewaka-Cassidy:]
I love Matariki